HSS 228

HSS 228: The Internet & Global Society and Culture
This blog was created to expand the knowledge of the Internet to real practice and develop skills with the creation of a blog. Through the duration of this blog, I will provide insight to my design process as I seek to create inspired costumes for the production of Ah, Wilderness! for my costume design class.

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Differences in Silhouette

The women will be in flowing skirts with gauzy, billowing sleeves, allowing them to float around the men. The older women will be dressed in shirtwaists and sensible skirts, and will have less embellishment, as they are more mature and less prone to flights of fancy. Lily will be more straight-laced in a no-frills shirtwaist, showing her up-tight and unforgiving nature, while Essie will be more homey and welcoming with a few bits of lace on the sleeves and neckline. The younger women will be in a more free-flowing, empire silhouette with lots of gauze and silk crepe. The costume should float with their movement, depicting their innocent and fanciful natures.

The men will be in sharp, tailored suits with a solid line, making them more stable and solid. Arthur will be dressed in more of the collegiate fashion, with a cardigan and newsboy cap, giving a more relaxed feel to the costume line. Richard is more up tight and pretentious, so he will try his hardest to dress maturely. His suits will be as well-tailored as the older men’s suits, but will be cut slightly bigger, giving him the look of a boy who hasn’t quite grown into himself.


  1. Are you interested in traditional costume?
    I like the background picture of your blog.

  2. I like the contrasts between men and women, and I am fairly unfamiliar with silhouettes and this sort of topic.
